Luca Bazzanella
![Zabba Fiori](/img/portfolios/DSC09160_ps.jpg)
Passionate Software Engeneer based in North Italy
Web Development
Cloud DevOps
Coding UX Patterns
Work With
2022+ Alpitronic Software Engeneer
2022+ Uni Geneve Unity 3D | Python | Azure
2021 IT Data PHP | PWA | VueJS | Kubernetes
2020 Factory Mind WebGL | ML | TS | Docker
2019/20 FBK Foundation
Unity 3D | Python | AR | ML | Pubblications
2019 Supsystic PHP | JS | WP plugin
2018/19 Coder Dojo C++ | Python
2017/18 Studio Pragma Springboot | JS Primefaces
2016/17 Wuerth Phoenix MySQL | .NET
Ideas (R)evolution
![Val d'Orcia /Florence](img/DSC05579_ps-nograin.jpg)
Background in Computer Science
Obsessed by aesthetic and user experience
DSP & ML enthusiasts
Automation over everything
Things I create
DSP audio effects EQ > SAT CEVE
![DSP audio effects EQ > SAT CEVE](img/dsp-screen.jpg)
Published Photographer Fashion | Portraits | Videomaking
![lucabazza github portfolio](/img/portfolios/
Liquid Season Concept progressive music EP
Pic Kit
Image editor online
ML | Firebase | WebGL | PS script compiler
Teaching | Trascriptions | Zabba GitLab Photos | Blog | Notes